Playa del Rey House I


Single-family residence, new construction


Playa del Rey, Los Angeles CA


Completed 2016


Situated on the beachfront, Playa del Rey House I seamlessly blends modern design with the tranquility of its coastal surroundings. The focal point of the house is a sleek, elevated box that elegantly hovers above the sandy beach, offering unparalleled views of the ocean while ensuring a sense of privacy for its inhabitants.

The exterior is clad with board-and-batten wood, which draws its inspiration from the surround neighborhood. A modified batten profile adds a touch of modernity but also pays homage to traditional beach bungalows, creating a striking visual contrast against the backdrop of the sea and sky.

One of the most remarkable features of this house is its ability to seamlessly blend panoramic views of the beach with more intimate display spaces. The expansive windows and open floor plan create a sense of connection with the natural surroundings, while the smaller, more intimate spaces provide a cozy retreat from the outside world. The interior contains smaller, carved-out volumes within the main structure, creating intimate spaces that offer both inward and outward views. These spaces serve as the perfect showcase for the client's extensive gem and mineral collection, adding a unique and personal touch to the overall design.


Photographs: © Station-F LLC, © Tim Hirschmann